InterDeposit membership form

If you wish to reference a work, you should start by joining. 1 Logibox corresponding to 1 referencing submission is offered.

* : mandatory field

Surname * :
Forename * :
Position * :
Rightholder * :
(can be an individual – your name – or a legal entity)
Internet Site :
Address 1 * :
Address 2 :
Post Code * : City * :
Country :
e-mail * : Tel : Fax :

If you are a member of an IDDN partner organisation, please fill in these boxes :
IDDN partner organisation :
Membership number in this organisation or identifier :

N.B. : By validating your application you will obtain a password. You should make a precise note of it.
Your InterDeposit membership number will be sent to you by e-mail.
With your number and password, you will be able to access your account and reference your works, purchase new Logiboxes, etc.