Standard formula for restrictions of use


Hint :

1) At the time of referencing, it is necessary for you to specify the restrictions of use of your site. These conditions will be displayed on the white part of the certificate, following the automatically generated introduction sentence: "The rightholder authorizes : "

Certification IDDN
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IDDN Information

Restrictions of use
of the work referenced



In accordance with the international conventions about intellectual property rights the work is protected. The rightholder authorizes :
the reproduction and representation as a private copy or for educational and research purposes outside any lucrative use. This, provided the author’s name and the source be clearly indicated in the same way as in the present document.
for any other exploitation contact the rightholder.
You also accept the INTERDEPOSIT IDDN charter .

I participate with IDDN to the respect of the intellectual property rights.
I refuse the conditions.

Signature : Md5Md5Md5