IDDN Codification
Explanation of the segments of the IDDN number :


.FR. 010. 0000105. 000. R. P. 1997. 002. 40100
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

(1) IDDN
Inter Deposit Digital Number

(2) Nationality of the work
pursuant to ISO alpha-2 codification

"AF" = Afghanistan
"AL" = Albania
"DZ" = Algeria
"AS" = American Samoa
"AD" = Andorra
"AO" = Angola
"AI" = Anguilla
"AQ" = Antartica
"AG" = Antigua and Barbuda
"AR" = Argentina
"AM" = Armenia
"AW" = Aruba
"AU" = Australia
"AT" = Austria
"AZ" = Azerbaijan
"BS" = Bahamas
"BH" = Bahrain
"BD" = Bangladesh
"BB" = Barbados
"BY" = Belarus
"BE" = Belgium
"BZ" = Belize
"BJ" = Benin
"BM" = Bermuda
"BT" = Bhutan
"BO" = Bolivia
"BA" = Bosnia-Herzegovina
"BW" = Botswana
"BV" = Bouvet Island
"BR" = Brazil
"IO" = British Indian Ocean Territory
"BN" = Brunei Darussalam
"BG" = Bulgaria
"BF" = Burkina Faso
"BI" = Burundi
"KH" = Cambodia
"CM" = Cameroon
"CA" = Canada
"CV" = Cape Verde
"KY" = Cayman Islands
"CF" = Central African Republic
"TD" = Chad
"CL" = Chile
"CN" = China
"CX" = Christmas Island
"CC" = Cocos (Keeling) Islands
"CO" = Colombia
"KM" = Comoros
"CG" = Congo
"CK" = Cook Islands
"CR" = Costa Rica
"CI" = Cote D'Ivoire
"HR" = Croatia
"CU" = Cuba
"CY" = Cyprus
"CZ" = Czech Republic
"DK" = Denmark
"DJ" = Djibouti
"DM" = Dominica
"DO" = Dominican Republic
"TP" = East Timor
"EC" = Ecuador
"EG" = Egypt
"SV" = El Salvador
"GQ" = Equatorial Guinea
"EE" = Estonia
"ET" = Ethiopia
"FO" = Faeroe Islands
"FK" = Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
"FJ" = Fiji
"FI" = Finland
"FR" = France
"GF" = French Guiana
"PF" = French Polynesia
"TF" = French Southern Territories
"GA" = Gabon
"GM" = Gambia
"GE" = Georgia
"DE" = Germany
"GH" = Ghana
"GI" = Gibraltar
"GR" = Greece
"GL" = Greenland
"GD" = Grenada
"GP" = Guadeloupe
"GU" = Guam
"GT" = Guatemala
"GG" = Guernsey, C.I.
"GN" = Guinea
"GW" = Guinea-Bissau
"GY" = Guyana
"HT" = Haiti
"HM" = Heard and McDonald Islands
"HN" = Honduras
"HK" = Hong Kong
"HU" = Hungary
"IS" = Iceland
"IN" = India
"ID" = Indonesia
"IR" = Iran (Islamic Republic of)
"IQ" = Iraq
"IE" = Ireland
"IM" = Isle of Man
"IL" = Israel
"IT" = Italy
"JM" = Jamaica
"JP" = Japan
"JE" = Jersey, C.I.
"JO" = Jordan
"KZ" = Kazakhstan
"KE" = Kenya
"KI" = Kiribati
"KP" = Korea, Dem. People's Rep of
"KR" = Korea, Republic of
"KW" = Kuwait
"KG" = Kyrgyzstan
"LA" = Lao Peoples Democratic Republi
"LV" = Latvia
"LB" = Lebanon
"LS" = Lesotho
"LR" = Liberia
"LY" = Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
"LI" = Liechtenstein
"LT" = Lithuania
"LU" = Luxembourg
"MO" = Macau
"MG" = Madagascar
"MW" = Malawi
"MY" = Malaysia
"MV" = Maldives
"ML" = Mali
"MT" = Malta
"MH" = Marshall Islands
"MQ" = Martinique
"MR" = Mauritania
"MU" = Mauritius
"MX" = Mexico
"FM" = Micronesia, Fed. States of
"MD" = Moldova, Republic of
"MC" = Monaco
"MN" = Mongolia
"MS" = Montserrat
"MA" = Morocco
"MZ" = Mozambique
"MM" = Myanmar
"NA" = Namibia
"NR" = Nauru
"NP" = Nepal
"AN" = Netherland Antilles
"NL" = Netherlands
"NT" = Neutral Zone (Saudi/Iraq)
"NC" = New Caledonia
"NZ" = New Zealand
"NI" = Nicaragua
"NE" = Niger
"NG" = Nigeria
"NU" = Niue
"NF" = Norfolk Island
"MP" = Northern Mariana Islands
"NO" = Norway
"OM" = Oman
"PK" = Pakistan
"PW" = Palau
"PA" = Panama
"PZ" = Panama Canal Zone
"PG" = Papua New Guinea
"PY" = Paraguay
"PE" = Peru
"PH" = Philippines
"PN" = Pitcairn
"PL" = Poland
"PT" = Portugal
"PR" = Puerto Rico
"QA" = Qatar
"RE" = Reunion
"RO" = Romania
"RU" = Russian Federation
"RW" = Rwanda
"KN" = Saint Kitts and Nevis
"LC" = Saint Lucia
"WS" = Samoa
"SM" = San Marino
"ST" = Sao Tome and Principe
"SA" = Saudi Arabia
"SN" = Senegal
"SC" = Seychelles
"SL" = Sierra Leone
"SG" = Singapore
"SK" = Slovakia
"SI" = Slovenia
"SB" = Solomon Islands
"SO" = Somalia
"ZA" = South Africa
"ES" = Spain
"LK" = Sri Lanka
"SH" = St. Helena
"PM" = St. Pierre and Miquelon
"VC" = St. Vincent and the Grenadines
"SD" = Sudan
"SR" = Suriname
"SJ" = Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
"SZ" = Swaziland
"SE" = Sweden
"CH" = Switzerland
"SY" = Syrian Arab Republic
"TW" = Taiwan
"TJ" = Tajikistan
"TZ" = Tanzania, United Republic of
"TH" = Thailand
"TG" = Togo
"TK" = Tokelau
"TO" = Tonga
"TT" = Trinidad and Tobago
"TN" = Tunisia
"TR" = Turkey
"TM" = Turkmenistan
"TC" = Turks and Caicos Islands
"TV" = Tuvalu
"AE" = U.A.E.
"UM" = U.S.Minor Outlying Islands
"UG" = Uganda
"UA" = Ukraine
"GB" = United Kingdom
"US" = United States
"UY" = Uruguay
"UZ" = Uzbekistan
"VU" = Vanuatu
"VA" = Vatican City State
"VE" = Venezuela
"VN" = Viet Nam
"VG" = Virgin Islands (British)
"VI" = Virgin Islands, U.S.
"WF" = Wallis and Futuna Islands
"EH" = Western Sahara
"YE" = Yemen, Republic of
"YU" = Yugoslavia
"ZR" = Zaire
"ZM" = Zambia

(3) Registration organism

Material Deposit :
APP Paris = 001
APP Geneva = 002

Virtual Deposit :
Interdeposit = 010

(4) Registration number
Chronological number attributed by the registration organism

(5) Release number
(000 for the first registration)

(6) Registration type

R : Referencing
The work is put into a "virtual" logibox, that means that at the moment of the on line referencing an IDDN certificate is attrbuted to the work. On the other hand the work as it has been signed must be kept by the rightholder. You just need to become an IDDN member in order to reference your works on line.
Warning : this procedure doesn't allow contractual access to the source code

For the following types of registration (physical deposit), please contact the APP :

D : Distribution deposit
Two copies of the work, as distributed to the public, are placed in two logibox, one kept by the APP, the other given to the right owner. This kind of deposit applies notably to data bases, users documentation, non-textual data files or executable programs.
Warning : this procedure doesn't allow contractual access to the source code.
The distribution deposit is not a substitute to the statutory deposit which remains compulsory for some works.

S : Source code deposit
Two copies of the work, under its confidential release, are placed in two logibox, one kept by the APP, the other given to the right owner. It may apply to the source program which can be accompanied by either the preparatory design material, the system analysys, or other documents.
This kind of deposit allows access to the source code, on explicit authorisation contained in a written document.

C : Controled deposit
It's a particular mode of the source code deposit, within which the contents deposited have been audited by a third person.

X : Unspecified
This type of registration responds to any "dating and evidence preservation" request, containing no claim for copyright. This request may be for instance addressed by a third person.

(7) Type of work

P : Primary work
Creation using no component (concrete or abstract) of a pre-existing work.

C : Composed work
Creation incorporating, under their published form, the whole or an identifiable part of pre-existing works.

A : Derivative work
Creation based on a pre-existing work and containing no identifiable component.

X : Unspecified
Creation which could not be classified or currently under examination.

(8) Year of first registration

(9) Key
Specifies the key calculation software (compression) applied to the file containing the work in order to get the electronic signature.

(10) Products classification

10100 Operating System
10200 Data communication
10300 Data Base Management System (DBMS)
10400 Programming language
10500 End-user oriented language
10600 System development support
10700 System operation management
10800 Utility

20100 Planning/Managment
20200 Financial accounting
20300 Personnel/Salary
20400 Sale/Stock-list
20500 Production
20600 Design/Studies/Plans
20700 OR/Forecast/Statistic/Analysis
20800 Office automation
20900 Knowledge engineering
21000 Image processing
21100 CAI

30100 Agriculture
30200 Forestry
30300 Fishery
30400 Mining
30500 Construction
30600 Production
30605 Food
30610 Textile and apparel
30615 Lumber, pulp and paper
30620 Publication and printing
60625 Chemicals and allied industries
30630 Stones, clay and glass products
30635 Iron and steel, non ferrous metals and metal products
30640 Machinery and equipment
30645 Electrical machinery
30650 Transportation equipment

30700 Electricity/gas/heat/water supply
30705 Electricity
30710 Gas
30715 Water supply

30800 Transportation/Communication
30805 Transportation
30810 Communication

30900 Wholesale/Retail/Eating and drinking places
30905 Wholesale
30910 Retail
30915 Eating and drinking places

31000 Financial/Insurance business
31005 Banking and trust business
31010 Bill broking
31015 Insurance

31100 Real property
31200 Service
31205 Commodity lease
31210 Hotel and inn
31215 Broadcasting and advertising
31220 Information service
31225 Special service
31230 Medicine, health and sanitation
31235 Education and scientific research organization

31300 Public service
31400 Hobby and domestic
31500 Others


40100 Digital reproduction of a 2 D creation (painting, photo, text, ..)
40200 Digital reproduction of a 3 D creation
40300 Digital reproduction of an animated picture
40400 Sound digital reproduction


41100 Digital creation in 2 D
41200 Digital creation in 3 D
41300 Animated picture creation
41400 Sound digital creation

42000 WEB SITE


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International Federation of Computer and Information Technology Industry

WTC 2 - Route de Pré-Bois 29
1215 Meyrin - Suisse