Protection of copyright and neighboring rights Referencing

The procedure..

For each field, you can consult the on-line help.

The following information will be recorded in the IDDN database and an IDDN number, in which the information is codified, will be attributed to the work. (Please consult the page on IDDN codification ). The IDDN certificate for the work is then immediately sent to the member..

Title of work

Registration Type

Type of work


Class of work

Genre of work (e.g. photo, painting, literature, etc.)

Direct access to sources
IDDN numbers for original works. Please separate any numbers by commas.


Indirect access to sources
For source works that are not IDDN referenced or a composite work, paste the following sentence : « Consult the conditions of use for each work », and this may be followed by non-IDDN identifiers.


Special conditions for the use and exploitation of the work
(Standard formulas for such conditions are available on-line from the IDDN site. For web sites, please consult the example of special conditions.)

Complete the following sentence :
«In accordance with international conventions pertaining to intellectual property rights, the work is protected. The rightholder hereby authorizes :


For any other use, please contact the rightholder.»

Description of work

Signature tool :

Signature :

Target URL of certificate

full address with http:// or ftp://

URL This is the URL address to which a user will be directed when he clicks on the "YES" button for the IDDN te IDDN certificate attached to the work.
You can choose between three possibilities:
1) This is the URL for the work.
2) This is the URL for an order centre or a list of stores etc.
3) Leave this field blank, in which case the "YES" button brings up a default page inviting the user to contact the author of the work directly by e-mail.